Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Years 2010

So 2010 finally here huh... 1
New starts, 2009 is the past now we have to continue with the future while we stay in the present. we think back at our moment that we regret (or we thought we did) all in the end they were moment or as some people call them memories. some were small and other big either way they were memories (Moments) that you will never forget. They'll stay with you and faid away in time, till then remember them learn from them. and try to relive them if possible. Don't forget about those moment you thought were taught learn from your mistakes and always forgive but never forget.

Till Then I Say My Good-Bye To 2009
Hello To 2010 A New Start With Some Old Memories (Moments)

Love Your Truly: Ms. Smile <3

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