Friday, June 26, 2009

Need to know.

I wonder every night
think if you only
want to be friends or more
you say you still want me but.
I don't have time for silly game.
This is my life
and if your going to be like that then
there no point for me waiting for you
to decide if you want me or not.
right now i rather
tell you we can't be friends
Easy but hurtful.
I still like you
but Life doesn't have stop
All i want to know
if you do want to get back together
or just friends
even though it going to be painful
But I'll do anything to still be your friends
so hurry i need to know.
Or lose me forever !!

Other Dream I Been Having Also

Am in my room
My mom start to call me
she starts to yell at me
I don't know about what.
I start to cry she hit me. I feel the pain
Then my older sister comes and she also start to yell
they both are yelling then my other sister and my dad
then my brother and my grandma there all yelling at me
They all start to hit me. I feel the pain.
It hurt like hell.
They push me to the wall
There all still puching me and hitting me.

I wake up with tears in my eyes
and I can still feel the pain in my body
I don't know what to do or think
So i just lay there.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


  • Sometimes you just need someone.
  • Someone to make you smile when your sad.
  • Someone to tell you your beutiful.
  • Someone to look forward to seening every day.
  • Somone to call you every night.
  • Someone to say I love you and meant it.
  • Sometimes you just need someone.


When you feel life giving up,
Remember why you held on
For so long in
The first


It's unfortunate that people take advantage
of the things that make up the most of their lives.
I live ,my life according to other, And always make sure that i'm happy.
If i'm not, then you'll know.
I wear my feeling on my sleeves
and see through people extermely well.
the instant i'm uncomfortable around you,
I'll be gone


"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So... Explore. Dream. Discover."

Life quote by: Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) better known by the pen name Mark Twain, who was an American author and humorist


I am strong, because I am weak.
I am beautiful, because I know my flaws.
I am a lover, because I am a fighter.
I am fearless, because I have been afraid.
I am wise, because I have been foolish.
And I can laugh, because I've known


You just have to go
After what you want

& If it doesn't want

You back then so be it

It doesn't deserve

You anyways


Do what makes you happy

Be with the one who make you smile

Laugh as much as you can breathe

& Love as long as you can live.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

sme dream every night for the past month

I am in church
It's just ended
I'm walking to the door
when I see her standing there
looking at me
after all these years
I thought she was gone forever
Am walking closer to her
she start to talk
I can't hear her
I try to talk and tell her to speak loader
but i can't speak
I scream but she can't hear
She still speaking
Ugh I wish she can hear me
She was my everything
She always listen to me
She was my best friends
Until that day
When she pass away
My heart feel into a million piece
Everyday I wish for her to be here with me.
Am standing here in church seen her trying
To tell her that i miss her.
But she keep talking and I can't talk
She stop talking and I still can't talk
She starting to walk away
I scream and scream but she can't her me
I scream more.

Then I walk up tyring to figure out what she said
but I can't cause I couldn't hear.
or cause I didn't listen because I want to say something.


I belive that everything happends for a reason people change so that you can learn to let go,things go wrong so that you apprieciate them when they're right you belive lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourselfand sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.


Life is a joy ride
you kget on
or you fall back and disapper
in joy life to the fullst
you never know when life might end

my life almost came to a end
I won't be here
Right now i would been 6 six feet under
If it wasn't for my friends and some of my family
I love my friends and family I thank them everyday
even if they don't know it
everyday i think about my past
and how mess up it was.
and how i was really mess up after my best friends death
but it all in my past like i say
past it past it the persent not the furture