Saturday, November 14, 2009


When you really want something sometimes you have to swim a little deeper you cant just give up because things don't come out easy. you have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears.
But in the end it all wroth while! Life is full of up and downs. But if you believe in yourself you always come through with fyling colors...value friendship, love and faith.
never underestimate yourself.
Believe in yourself


Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, Let go of what you can't change.
Kiss slow, Play hard, Forgive quickly, Take chance, Give everything and have no regrets
Life too short to be anything..........But Happy


Be loved but never love.
Attach but never combien.
Trip but never fall.
To be broken is better than to be shattred.
Tell him of your strength, but never of your past.
Be trustworthy but never trust.
Be cracked but never open.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hell Or Heaven?

I believe everything you do bad comes back to you.
So everything that I do bad, i'm going to suffer for it.
But in my heart....I belive everything am doing is right.
So i feel like am going to heaven.
I think heaven is just when you sleep, you sleep with good conscience, you dont have nightmares.
Hell is when you sleep, the last thing you see is all the fuck up things you did in your life and you just see it over and over again, cause you dont want to be burn.
If that the cause, it's hell on earth cause bullets burn

Henry Miller:

The moment one gives close attention to anything
even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious,
awesome, indecribabyl magnificent world in itself

My Place

You'll never leave
Where you are
Until you decied
where you rather be

Sweet Dreams...

So I'll sleep away because my dreams are so sweet;
Now that you're in them I dont wann leave..this place without you.


Life is funny sometimes, but if you look close enough you find hope.
In the words of childern, In bar of a songs,And in the eye of someone you love.
And if your lucky enough...That person will decied to love you back.


Who should be blame when a leaf fell from a tree? it the wind that blew it away, is it the tree that let it go or is it the left that never really hold on from the very start.


It's about love
It's about compassion
It's about kindness, And faith
It has nothing to do with luck
You get what you give, So give good.

"I WIll Miss You's"

I go in my room and cry cause my life is passing by to fast to enjoy it.
When I leave to start over, I know I will be homesick.
But so much miss the house but be heartsick.
I'll also miss the people who left handprint on my heart,
And the ones who throw me away and made me stronger.
Friends come and go to quickly to even say the words "I Miss You"
I'm a person who loved too much but, got nothing in return.